All of the programs can be fully customised
to suit your company’s products and services.
SELL WELL Customer Service
The following are interesting facts and figures:
Most businesses do not make proper use of their
existing client base to create more business.
Research shows that bringing in new business through
advertising etc. costs a company 5 times more than if it were
making sure they have a satisfied clientele and used this to their
Staff plays a key role in influencing the way a
business relates to its customers.
Key questions are:
How do you strengthen your relationship with your
existing customers?
How can you use your existing clients network to
create more sales?
How can you make your staff more sales-oriented?
How do you excel in customer service, so you can
cut down your marketing/advertising costs and start making better
use of existing customer-base?
The aim of this seminar is to create a sales-oriented
customer approach.